Susan Lee and Reggie Caverson are longtime friends.  They collaborated in writing 
  Death and Obsession and It's a Metaphysical World, and Reggie critiqued Susan's 
  other two books: The Malice Effect and Murder Most Complicated - although it must 
  be said that any errors must be attributed to Susan alone.      

  Susan  was born in New Zealand and lives in Northern Ontario with her husband, a 
  former career police officer.  She spent many years working in the legal field.

  Reggie was born in Australia and relocated to Canada as a small child.  After a career 
  in the field of mental health and addictions, Reggie is now the busy Director of a local 
  non-profit agency in Northern Ontario.

It's a Metaphysical World
Death and Obsession
The Malice Effect
Murder Most Complicated

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The Authors 
Susan Lee & 
Reggie Caverson